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Geology of Connemara in Western Ireland. Unravelling the Region’s Tectonic, Metamorphic and Magmatic Histories / Геология Коннемары в Западной Ирландии. Изучение тектонической, метаморфической и магматической истории региона

Автор(ы):Feely M.
Издание:CRC Press, 2025 г., 186 стр., ISBN: 978-1-032-69840-3
Geology of Connemara in Western Ireland. Unravelling the Region’s Tectonic, Metamorphic and Magmatic Histories / Геология Коннемары в Западной Ирландии. Изучение тектонической, метаморфической и магматической истории региона

This chapter describes the regional geographical and geological setting of Connemara. The geology and the spatial distribution of Connemara’s metamorphic and igneous rocks are outlined. The Connemara Metamorphic Complex (CMC) comprises two major rock groupings: the Dalradian metamorphosed sedimentary and igneous rocks and the younger Metagabbro Gneiss Suite. South of Clifden in western Connemara a semi-circular area some 5 km across occurs within the Metagabbro Gneiss Suite and is called the Delaney Dome. The rocks comprising the dome are early Ordovician metarhyolites exposed by erosion of the overlying rocks of the Metagabbro Gneiss Suite. The sub-horizontal contact between the two is a major thrust fault, the Mannin Thrust, which played a key role during the Grampian Orogeny in Connemara. The younger Galway Granite Complex (GGC) occurs to the south of the CGC and comprises a suite of minor plutons (~425 Ma), the Earlier Plutons and the younger Galway Batholith. The latter is composed of two plutons: the Carna (~410 Ma) and the GalwayKilkieran (~400 Ma) plutons. The chapter concludes with an introduction to Connemara’s glacial landforms, an intrinsic part of the region’s worldrenowned landscapes that play a key role in exposing the region’s geological history <...>

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