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Thrust fault-related folding / Складчатость, связанная с движением земной коры

Редактор(ы):McClay K.R., Shaw J., Suppe J.
Издание:AAPG, 2011 г., 400 стр., ISBN: 978-0-89181-376-7
Thrust fault-related folding / Складчатость, связанная с движением земной коры

This volume arises from papers and posters presented at the International Conference on Fault-Related Folding in Foreland Basins held in Beijing in 2005 and organized by Vice President Chengzhao Jia of the Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development (RIPED) of PetroChina and Professor John Suppe of Princeton University and the Tarim Oilfield Company of PetroChina, and researchers from Nanjing and Zhejiang Universities in China. The conference was organized to bring together a significant fraction of the worldwide experts on the study and analysis of thrust-related fold systems and to provide an introduction to the petroleum-bearing fold belts of western China to this international community.
More than 200 attendees saw presentations on a wide range of fold and thrust belts from subaerial fold belts in western China, the Andes, the Alps, the Rocky Mountains of North America, the Zagros of Iran, Taiwan, and elsewhere. Folds developed in deep-water settings such as the South Atlantic passive margins as well as the Niger delta, northwest Borneo, and the Gulf of Mexico were also discussed. The three-day meeting in Beijing was followed by a seven-day field trip organized by PetroChina to the actively growing frontal fold belts of the northern Tarim, Turfan, and southern Junggar basins in westernmost China.
Manuscripts on these topics were submitted after the conference and key papers are presented in this volume. The topics in this volume build upon previously published key AAPG volumes such as Memoir 82—Thrust Tectonics and Hydrocarbon Systems (2004) and AAPG Seismic Atlas Studies in Geology 53—Seismic Interpretation of Contractional FaultRelated Folds (2005). <...>

ТематикаГеодинамика, Геотектоника, Структурная геология
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