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Dictionary of Earth science / Словарь по наукам о Земле

Издание 2
Издание:McGraw-Hill Book Company, 2003 г., 478 стр.
Dictionary of Earth science / Словарь по наукам о Земле

The McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Earth Science provides a compendium of more than 10,000 terms that are central to the broad range of disciplines comprising earth science. The coverage in this Second Edition is focused on the areas of climatology, geochemistry, geodesy, geography, geology, geophysics, hydrology, meteorology, and oceanography, with new terms added and others revised as necessary.
Earth science strives to understand the origins, evolution, and behavior of the earth in a broad context, including the place of the earth in the solar system and the universe. Much of the advances in earth science have resulted from the greatly improved ability to measure and analyze the complex interactions over time of the component parts of the earth, including the atmosphere, the biosphere, the hydrosphere, and the lithosphere. Thus, earth science is highly interdisciplinary, and an understanding of the terminology of the fields covered in this Dictionary is important for an appreciation of its literature and applications. <...>

ТематикаГеологический словарь
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