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Mining reference handbook / Справочное руководство по горному делу

Редактор(ы):Lowrie R.L.
Издание:Society for Mining Metallurgy and Exploration Inc., 2009 г., 464 стр., ISBN: 978-087335-297-0
Mining reference handbook / Справочное руководство по горному делу

Engineers in the mining industry often must solve problems while in the field at prospects, projects, or places far from any personal bookshelf, company office, or public or private library. And it isn’t always feasible to bring along the voluminous authoritative books on mining topics so familiar to the profession. This handbook, then, is designed to fill the technical reference gap for the mobile professional who is away from the normal workplace with its comprehensive store of technical information and resources. It is a distillation of key technical information from the mining literature.
To keep this handbook a reasonable and portable size, the volume editor and all chapter editors had to strictly budget the number of pages allocated to particular subjects. We assumed that the reader is already knowledgeable about the topics and may just need a reminder “on the fly.” For this reason, many of the ideas, data, graphs, tables, equations, constants, and rules of thumb are presented with little if any explanation. Detailed explanation or elaboration can be found in the original source, such as the venerable but large two-volume SME Mining Engineering Handbook.
The volume editor and all chapter editors are currently licensed or retired registered professional engineers in one or more states. Although the intended audience for this handbook is primarily mining/mineral engineers who work for mining companies and other mining-oriented firms around the world, we hope that academia, students, and state and federal government agencies will also find it useful. This is a first effort. We anticipate that technological change, along with experience in using the handbook in the field, will allow improvements in future editions.

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