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Advances in applied strategic mine planning / Достижения в прикладном стратегическом планировании горных работ
It is a privilege to introduce “Advances in Applied Strategic Mine Planning”, a collection of technical papers addressing core aspects of the sustainable, responsible and optimal development and utilization of Earth’s mineral resources. In a world of uncertain markets, mismatches between demand and reserve base growth (supply), emerging technologies, and new technical challenges and solutions, this book aims to support knowledge dissemination and mobilization of new concerns, concepts, methods and technologies.These support step changes in the broader area of strategic mine planning while stressing technical risk management. Arguably, strategic mine planning is the most intricate, demanding and fundamentally important technical aspect of mining ventures, the industry and our profession.
Strategic planning has a profound impact on the value of mines and metals produced, as well as shaping the technical plan to be followed from mine and mineral value chain development to closure. It is important to stress that education underpins the transfer of new technologies to both the current and, notably, the next generation of mining professionals and is the reason for this book.
This volume is unique in many ways starting with the contribution of papers from international experts, several of them from the younger generation of professionals in the field, who show great promise in enhancing and further developing the field. It also showcases the extraordinary contribution, support and involvement of the global mining industry, which is an indispensable part of progress in the field. Lastly, it recognizes the exceptional and continued collaboration of the major national mining institutes towards enriching professional excellence in the field: The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM), Canadian Institute of Mining Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM), Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME), and the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM). <...>