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Distributed acoustic sensing in geophysics. Methods and applications / Распределенное акустическое зондирование в геофизике. Методы и приложения

Редактор(ы):Ajo-Franklin J.B, Karrenbach M., Li Y.
Издание:Wiley, 2022 г., 304 стр., ISBN: 9781119521822
Distributed acoustic sensing in geophysics. Methods and applications / Распределенное акустическое зондирование в геофизике. Методы и приложения

Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) systems are optoelectronic instruments that measure acoustic interactions (distributed strain or strain rate) along the length of a fiber-optic sensing cable. DAS observation systems can record sound and vibration signals along several tens of kilometers of sensing optical fiber with fine spatial resolution (1–10 m) and over a wide frequency range (from millihertz to tens of kilohertz). DAS provides a large sensing aperture for acquiring high-resolution acoustic data in both time and space domains. The advantages of DAS technology have enabled its rapid adoption across a range of applications, including geophysics geohydrology, environmental monitoring, geotechnical and civil engineering (railroad, tunnel, and bridge monitoring), hazard mitigation and prevention, and safety and security fields. <...>

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