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Analysis and design of geotechnical structures / Анализ и проектирование геомеханических (геотехнических) структур

Автор(ы):Fernandes M.M.
Издание:CRC Press, 2021 г., 753 стр., ISBN: 978-0-367-02662-2
Analysis and design of geotechnical structures / Анализ и проектирование геомеханических (геотехнических) структур

This book deals with the theories and methodologies used by engineers for the analysis and design of the main geotechnical structures.

The word structures is used here with a clear intention: indeed, the book adopts a structural outlook, inspired by the approach of the Structural Eurocodes and similar documents based on the Limit State Design philosophy.

The assumption is made that the reader is familiar with the basic principles of soil mechanics. Out of respect for this admirable discipline, the book does not attempt a summary of these issues, as it is considered that a meaningful and didactic approach to them would be incompatible with such an option.

In writing this book – capitalizing, to the best of my ability, on the experience of thirty five years as a university teacher and geotechnical consultant – I had in mind a two-pronged objective: to combine, in a single endeavor, a textbook that helps students understand the behavior of geotechnical works, with a reference text that has its place “on the working desk” of geotechnical professionals, for regular perusal.

As regards the pedagogical component, the reader will find innovative approaches to various issues, resulting from many years of teaching and discussing their main difficulties and subtleties with generations of enthusiastic students. <...>

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