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Geochemistry of non-traditional stabe isotopes / Геохимия нетрадиционных стабильных изотопов

Редактор(ы):Albarede F., Beard B.L., Johnson C.M., Rosso J.J.
Издание:Mineralogical Society of America, 2004 г., 456 стр.
Geochemistry of non-traditional stabe isotopes / Геохимия нетрадиционных стабильных изотопов

The review chapters in this volume were the basis for a two-day short course on nontraditional stable isotopes held prior (May 15í16, 2004) to the spring AGU/CGU Meeting in Montreal, Canada. The editors (and conveners of the short course) Clark Johnson, Brian Beard and Francis Albarède and the other chapter authors/presenters have done an exceptional job of familiarizing us with the cutting edge of this exciting fi eld of study <...>

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