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Stable isotope geochemistry / Геохимия стабильных изотопов

Редактор(ы):Cole D.R., Valley J.W.
Издание:657 стр.
Stable isotope geochemistry / Геохимия стабильных изотопов

The scientific editors of this volume, John Valley and David Cole, organized a Short Course on Stable Isotope Geochemistry presented November 2-4 2001 in conjunction with the annual meetings of the Geological Society of America in Boston, Massachusetts. The contributors to this review volume were the instructors. The Mineralogical Society of America (MSA) sponsored the course and is published and distributor of this and other books in the Review in Mineralogy and Geochemistry series. Alex Speer, Executive Director of MSA, and Myrna Byer, of Printing Service Associates, Inc., are acknowledged for their considerable contributions to the success of this volume <...>

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