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Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 49 / Геологическая служба Финляндии, Специальный документ 49

Редактор(ы):Nenonen K., Nurmi P.A.
Издание:Geological Survey of Finland, 2011 г., 359 стр., ISBN: 978-952-217-136-8
Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 49 / Геологическая служба Финляндии, Специальный документ 49

Geoscience has a long and glorious history in Finland (Tanskanen 1986, Haapala 2005). The first geological studies were already performed and academic dissertations written at the Academy of Turku, the first university in Finland founded in 1640. The first Chair in Geology and Mineralogy was established at the University of Helsinki in 1852. During the historical period of the Enlightenment, geoscience received more emphasis and funding, as it could show direct benefits to society and its rulers. The beginning of geological survey activities in Finland was closely connected with the father of Finnish mineralogy, Nils Nordenskiöld, who operated as the General Intendant of the Mining Council during 1823–1855. He was the one who showed initiative and pursued the beginning of geological surveys and exploration funded by the government. His initiatives were fulfilled by founding a geological office to the government’s Mining Council in 1870. The work of geologists and surveyors was effective: they mapped much of Southern Finland and made some promising findings of gold and other commodities <...>

ТематикаПолезные ископаемые, Региональная геология
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