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Kazakhmys exploration standard operating procedures (SOPs) / Стандартные операционные процедуры разведки Казахмыса (SOP)

Автор(ы):Craig D.
Издание:Kazakhmys, 2010 г., 50 стр.
Kazakhmys exploration standard operating procedures (SOPs) / Стандартные операционные процедуры разведки Казахмыса (SOP)

Once the decision to drill a hole has been made it is the geologist's responsibility to insure the site is properly located in the field. The collar should then be clearly marked with 1.5 - 2.0 m high wooden marker that is spray painted, labelled and marked with flagging tape. The clearing and, levelling crew or bulldozer then go to work to prepare a level bench of overburden or a level bedrock base for the rig. Once this is done the geologist should again visit the site remarking the collar position with a wooden marker plus adding 2 to 3 more pickets all aligned along the azimuth of the proposed (inclined) hole. These azimuth markers are not required for vertical holes except in situations where the site may be used for an inclined hole after the vertical test is completed. The azimuth is usually marked by two fore-sites: clearly marked as such, spray painted on top and marked with flagging. These "fore-sites" mark the direction the hole will be drilled while the "back-sites" is place in opposite direction and is used to aid in rig skid alignment <...>

ТематикаГеологическое картирование, Геологоразведка, Полезные ископаемые
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