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Mineral resource and ore reserve estimation. The AusIMM guide to good practice / Оценка минеральных ресурсов и запасов руды — путеводитель AusIMM по лучшим практикам

Издание 2
Издание:The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2014 г., 900 стр., ISBN: 978-1-925100-06-8
Mineral resource and ore reserve estimation. The AusIMM guide to good practice / Оценка минеральных ресурсов и запасов руды — путеводитель AusIMM по лучшим практикам

Chapter 1 | An Overview and Outline


Managing Risk in Feasibility Studies

Common Sense and Good Communication – Effective Team-Based  estimation and classification of mineral resources and ore reserves

JORC and the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum  definition standards – major changes and developments for Competent Person

Chapter 2. The resource database

Overview – The Resource Database

Design principles of relational databases and management of data Flow for Resource Estimation

Sampling and analysis protocols and their role in mineral exploration and new development

Geological Data Collection for Reliable Coal Resource Estimation

A review of the reliability and validity of portable X-Ray fluorescence spectrometry (pXRF) data

How sampling biases can induce decision-makers to make wrong decisions – an introduction to qualitative sampling theory

Practical considerations and shortcuts in sampling

Geostatistical criteria for choosing an optimal ratio between quality and quantity of samples – method and case studies

Measurement of Bulk Density for Resource Estimation – Methods, guidelines and quality control

Collection of Geotechnical Data from Drill Holes

Use and abuse of oriental drill core

Chapter 3.Geological interpretation and geological modeling

Overview – geological interpretation and geological modeling

Geological interpretation for resource modeling and estimation

Best practice in coal exploration and resource evaluation

The Do’s and Don’ts of Geological and Grade Boundary Models and what you can do about it

A checklist for grade control

Calculated mineralogy and its applications

X-Ray plunge projection – understanding structural geology from Grade Data

Practical implicit dyke modeling for resource estimation – Newmont Boddington gold, Western Australia

The Pursuit of Best Practice and Use of Innovative Techniques – Case studies in geological interpretation and modelling, gold fields – growth and international projects

Wireframe-free geological modelling – an oxymoron or a value proposition?

Chapter 4. Mineral resource estimation

Overview – Mineral Resource Estimation

Mineral resource estimation of the Brockman 4 iron deposit in the Pilbara Region by Rio Tinto Iron Ore

Multivariable iron ore deposit resource estimation – a practitioner’s guide to selecting methods 

Tropicana gold mine, Western Australia – a case study of non-linear mineral resource estimation Estimation of Underground Mineral Resources at the Sunrise Dam gold mine – a case study in risk management

Mineral sands – some aspects of evaluation, resource estimation and reporting

A practitioner’s guide to the indentification, classification an Estimation of Inventory Coal and Coal Resources

A practitioner’s guide to recoverable resource estimation using localized uniform conditioning

Resource estimation in folded deposits – a review of practice and Case Studies

Drilling of Mineral Resources – Towards Better Investment Decisions

Chapter 5. Non-resource inputs to estimation of ore reserves – the modifying factors

Overview – non-resource inputs to estimations of ore reserves – the Modifying Factors

The influence of geotechnical and groundwater factors on ore Reserve Estimation

Selecting a Mining Method for Metalliferous Orebodies

Transition from open pit to underground mining

Mining dilution and losses in underground mining

The assessment and management of coal recovery in open pit mines

Metallurgical input to the determination ore reserves

Geometallurgical Guidelines for Miners, Geologists and Process Engineers – Discovery to Design

Assessment of iron reserves – Rio Tinto’s Pilbara Experience

Case Study – Marketing of Industrial Minerals – Iluka Resources

Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves of Industrial Minerals – Markets and Other Modifying Factors

Infrastructure for mining developments

The influence of revenue and cost factors on ore reserve estimation

Environmental Constraints on Resource-to-Reserve Conversion

Community consultation – the Ok Tedi experience

Chapter 6. Ore reserve estimation

Overview – Ore Reserve Estimation

Feasibility studies – scope and accuracy 

Reflections on front-end loading in mine project development

Whittle optimization – the money mining methodology and its impact on ore reserve

Maximizing the value of open pit gold reserves – where are we getting it right?

Block caving software – practical applications

Reserve Estimation for Block Cave Mines Using PCBC

Geotechnical modifying factors to be considered when determining the status of longwall reserve 

Chapter 7 Risk in resource and reserve estimation

Overview – Risk in Resource and Reserve Estimation

Evaluating Resource Risk – The Due Diligence Process

The importance of understanding uncertainty and risk associated with all geological inputs to ore reserves

Scenario thinking – a powerful tool for strategic planning and evaluation of mining projects and operations

Non-technical risks and their impact on the mining industry

Exposing uncertainty in schedules for proactive stockpile planning

Reserves, reserves and not a tonne to mine – a study of reserves reported prior to mine closure

Back to Basics – Geological and Mining Risks and Financial Issues on resource and reserve evaluation in coal projects

Chapter 8. Monitoring and exploiting the reserve

Overview – monitoring and exploiting the reserve

Predicting the unpredictable – evaluating high-nugget effect gold deposits

Effective Grade Control Systems

Grade control based on economic ore/waste classification function and stockhastic simulations – examples, comparisons and applications

Planning strategies to increase project value

Interpreting long-term mine to mill trends at St Ives Gold Mine

Reconciliation principles for the mining industry

Mining reconciliation – an overview of data collection points and data analysis

A strategy to minimise ore grade reconciliation problems between the mine and the mill

Guide to Creating a Mine Site Reconciliation Code of Practice

Chapter 9. Classification and reporting

Overview - Classification and reporting

Issues in capital raisings and disclosure

Review of 2012 JORC code and comparison with national instrument 43-101

Estimating and reporting potential mineralization at BHP Billiton – the unconstrained view

Mineral resource classification – it’s time to shoot the ‘spotted dog’!

Reporting and converting resource to reserve – how confident are we?

Mine Design Stages in Russia

Resource and reserve valuation practices in countries forming the Russian commonwealth of independent states

Rio Tinto Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Governance

Liability issues arising in relation to exploration, mineral resource and ore reserve reports included in Takeover documents

Liability of competent person for JORC reports

Competent persons – beyond JORC code requirements

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