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Metasomatism in oceanic and continental lithospheric mantle / Метасоматизм в океане и континентальной литосферной мантии

Редактор(ы):Coltorti M., Gregoire M.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 2008 г., 358 стр., ISBN: 978-1-86239-242-7
Metasomatism in oceanic and continental lithospheric mantle / Метасоматизм в океане и континентальной литосферной мантии

In the foreword of the volume Mantle Metasomatism by Menzies & Hawkesworth (1987), Boettcher stated that the concept of mantle metasomatism has been of immense heuristic value for Earth scientists. At that time, metasomatism was still strongly related to allochemical metamorphism, where chemical composition of the rock is changed by the additional or removal of material. However, the concept of modal or patent (where a new phase is petrographically evident) and cryptic (where chemical enrichment is not accompanied by the presence of a newly formed phase) metasomatism had already been introduced by the pioneering works of Harte (1983), Menzies (1983) and Dawson (1984). Outstanding progress has characterized the past two decades, and the processes and agents of metasomatism are now much better understood, in part as a result of the significant advancements of in situ microanalytical techniques such as secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS) and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The in situ analyses substantially deepened knowledge of intermineral and solid–liquid partitioning coefficients as well as identifying the geochemical features of metasomatizing agents recorded by secondary paragenesis, (namely, clinopyroxenes, amphiboles and glasses), which are the main acceptors of trace elements within the mantle <...>


Metasomatism in oceanic and continental lithospheric mantle: introduction

The Jurassic Ligurian Tethys, a fossil ultraslow-spreading ocean: the mantle perspective

Calcic amphiboles in peridotite xenoliths from Avacha volcano, Kamchatka, and their implications for metasomatic conditions in the mantle wedge

Asthenospheric signature in fertile spinel lherzolites from the Viliga Volcanic Field in NE Russia

The Ga˘taia Pleistocene lamproite: a new occurrence at the southeastern edge of the Pannonian Basin, Romania

Heterogeneous metasomatism in cumulate xenoliths from the Spanish Central System: implications for percolative fractional crystallization of lamphrophyric melts

Types of metasomatism in mantle xenoliths enclosed in Neogene–Quaternary alkaline mafic lavas from Catalonia (NE Spain)

Plume-related stable isotope compositions and fluid–rock interaction processes in the Basal Complex of La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain

Characterization of the metasomatic agent in mantle xenoliths from Deve`s, Massif Central (France) using coupled in situ trace-element and O, Sr and Nd isotopic compositions

Metasomatism of the upper mantle beneath the Hyblean Plateau (Sicily): evidence from pyroxenes and glass in peridotite xenoliths

Petrological and geochemical constraints on the composition of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Syrian rift, northern part of the Arabian plate

The role of HIMU metasomatic components in the North African lithospheric mantle: petrological evidence from the Gharyan lherzolite xenoliths, NW Libya

Metasomatism induced by alkaline magma in the upper mantle of northern Victoria Land (Antarctica): an experimental approach

Palaeozoic subduction-related and kimberlite or carbonatite metasomatism in the Scottish lithospheric mantle

Reconstruction of mantle sections beneath Yakutian kimberlite pipes using monomineral thermobarometry

ТематикаПетрология, Геохимия
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