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Digital terrain analysis in soil science and geology / Цифровой анализ рельефа в почвоведении и геологии

Издание 2
Автор(ы):Флоринский И.В.
Издание:Elsevier, 2012 г., 481 стр., ISBN: 978-0-12-804632-6
Digital terrain analysis in soil science and geology / Цифровой анализ рельефа в почвоведении и геологии

Originally, this book was the first attempt to synthesize knowledge on the theory, methods, and applications of digital terrain analysis in the context of multiscale problems in soil science and geology. The content of this book is based on the author’s long-standing, interdisciplinary research. Since the preparation of the first edition in 2010–11, considerable progress has been made in digital terrain modeling. This happened due to several factors. First, new, publicly available, sources of digital elevation models (DEMs) with high- and medium-resolution and global or quasiglobal coverage have appeared (ie, SRTM1, SRTM15_PLUS, WorldDEM, ALOS World 3D, and LOLA). Second, novel, relatively low-cost, solutions for DEM generation have been designed (ie, structure-from-motion techniques, and UAV photogrammetry). Third, new and advanced computational methods for derivation of topographic variables have been developed. Finally, free and open-sourced, professional-level, software has emerged (eg, QGIS and Blender), which can be adapted to solve various geomorphometric tasks. These factors have necessitated the preparation of a second edition of this book. <...>

ТематикаИнженерная геология, Геоинформатика, Математические методы
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