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Proceedings of the 30th international geological congress. Volume 5. Contemporary lithospheric motion seismic geology / Материалы 30-го международного геологического конгресса. Том 5. Современная сейсмическая геология движения литосферы

Том 5
Редактор(ы):Hong Ye
Издание:Taylor & Francis Group, 1997 г., 261 стр., ISBN: 90-6764-269-X
Proceedings of the 30th international geological congress. Volume 5. Contemporary lithospheric motion seismic geology / Материалы 30-го международного геологического конгресса. Том 5. Современная сейсмическая геология движения литосферы

The global distribution of continents and oceans demonstrates a double asynunetry of north-south and east-west. The geoid height has distribution panem of first-and second-order anonlalies. The global active tectonics can be classified into three first-order tectonic systems: the circum-Pacific tectonic system, the mid-occan ridge tectonic system, and the continental tectonic system ofthe north h.:rnispbere. They indicate the asymmetry of north-south and east-west as well. The mechanism of the general westward motion of the global plates is presumably associated with the angular velocity differences bdween crust, mantle and core. 11Iese tectonic features ofa global scale stem probably from the heterogeneities of the inner stmctures ldl by the early evolution of the Earth and from the combined effects offorces with mUltiple sources. <...>

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