Organic geochemistry. Principles and applications / Органическая геохимия. Принципы и применение

Редактор(ы):Engel M.H., Macko S.A.
Издание:Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 1993 г., 861 стр., ISBN: 978-1-4613-6252-4
Organic geochemistry. Principles and applications / Органическая геохимия. Принципы и применение

The publication of Organic Geochemistry by Professors Engel and Macko is welcomed by geochemists and geologists working in the disciplinary field of geochemistry. The forty chapters and fifty-eight authors represent the many specialties in geochemistry as well as the interdisciplinary and international nature of the field. Geophysicists, mathematicians, exobiologists, paleontologists, microbiologists, and stable isotope chemists also contribute to the diverse investigations of organic matter as it appears in the biomass of the earth and solar system.
This volume appears almost twenty-five years after the publication of Organic Geochemistry by Professors Eglinton and Murphy. Since that time, biomarkers in ancient and Recent sediments have been a significant development. New analytical methods and instrumentation to identify chemicals that come from life or could support life have extended the capability to detect smaller amounts of more complex organic molecules. Most instrument detector signals are now sent directly to a computer that is programmed to print out results. Modeling has also contributed to the interpretation of analytical data and increased our knowledge and theory of older sediments.
Since 1969, new sample materials and remote sensing data have become available, including lunar rocks, Antarctic meteorites, Viking data from Mars, the Voyager results from the planetary atmospheres such as Titan, the mapping of Venus, the Hubble telescope pictures, and deeper and older source rocks from off-shore ocean cores. <...>

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