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The evolving continents: understanding processes of continental growth / Эволюционирующие континенты: понимание процессов континентального роста

Редактор(ы):Kusky T.M., Xiao W., Zhai M.-G.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 2010 г., 416 стр., ISBN: 978-1-86239-303-5
The evolving continents: understanding processes of continental growth / Эволюционирующие континенты: понимание процессов континентального роста

This Special Publication of the Geological Society of London, The Evolving Continents: Understanding Processes of Continental Growth, is dedicated to the long and spectacular career of Brian F. Windley, a pioneer in the application of uniformitarianism to Precambrian rocks, a leader in linking field geology with the geochemistry and geochronology of different orogenic units with global tectonic history, and an overall polymath who has had a deep influence on many fields of geological sciences.
Brian Windley has not only been a pioneer in science, but has been a mentor and teacher to many geologists who have become leaders in their fields, and in this volume, many of those scientists have contributed chapters that reflect the skill and knowledge that Brian instilled in his students and colleagues. As an opener for this volume we asked Brian ‘what has happened over the years’. <...>

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