Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

The geomorphic evolution of the Yosemite Valley and Sierra Nevada Landscapes. Solving the Riddles in the rocks / Геоморфологическая эволюция ландшафтов долины Йосемити и Сьерра-Невады. Разгадываем загадки в скалах

Автор(ы):Schaffer J.P.
Издание:1997 г., 405 стр., ISBN: 0-89997-219-5
The geomorphic evolution of the Yosemite Valley and Sierra Nevada Landscapes. Solving the Riddles in the rocks / Геоморфологическая эволюция ландшафтов долины Йосемити и Сьерра-Невады. Разгадываем загадки в скалах

Every year millions of people visit Yosemite Valley, and they encounter stunning scenery that can overwhelm their senses. This experience is as true today as it was when the valley was discovered. The first recorded discovery of Yosemite Valley by western civilization was made by Major James D. Savage’s Mariposa Battalion, which, pursuing “hostile Indians” up the Merced River drainage, entered the valley on March 27, 1851. Early rumors about the valley had not prepared the men for the overpowering view now before them (Figure 1). <...>

МеткиГеоморфология, Йосемити, Невада
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