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DIPS. An interactive and graphical approach to the analysis of orientation based data / Провалы. Интерактивный и графический подход к анализу ориентированных данных

Автор(ы):Diederichs M.S.
Издание:Deparhent of Civil Engineering, 1990 г., 144 стр.
DIPS. An interactive and graphical approach to the analysis of orientation based data / Провалы. Интерактивный и графический подход к анализу ориентированных данных

Many problems in engineering geology are fundamentally problems in three dimensional geometry. Spherical projection is a time t€sted technique by means of which complex and arbitrary orientation problems can be solved manually with relative ease. ln spite of rapid developmens in computing hardware, no analytical software has been created which seems capable of adequately replacing spherical projectioo techniques. Therefore, maDy attempts have been made to computerize ihis method. The majority of these attemPts have resulted in programs which are static and inllexible in nature. DIPS, a program which was developed as the main compoDent of this wor! duplicates, on the comPuter, the flexibility, graphical visualization potential and interactive nature of the original spherical projection tecbniques

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