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GSLIB geostatistical software library and user's guide / Библиотека программного обеспечения GSLIB и практическое руководство по геостатистике

Издание 2
Автор(ы):Deutsch C.V., Journel A.G.
Издание:Oxford university press, 1998 г., 369 стр., ISBN: 0-19-510015-8
GSLIB geostatistical software library and user's guide / Библиотека программного обеспечения GSLIB и практическое руководство по геостатистике

GSLIB is the name of a directory containing the geostatistical software developed at Stanford. Generations of graduate students have contributed to

this constantly changing collection of programs, ideas, and utilities. Some of the :nost widely used public-domain geostatistical software [58, 62, 721 and many more in-house programs were initiated from GSLIB. It was decided to open the GSLIB directory to a wide audience, providing the source code to seed new developments, custom-made application tools, and, it is hoped, new theoretical advances <...>

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