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Geotechnics of soft soils. Focus on ground improvement / Геомеханика мягких почв (грунтов). Фокус на укрепление грунтов

Редактор(ы):Karstunen M., Leoni M.
Издание:CRC Press, 2009 г., 457 стр., ISBN: 978-0-415-47591-4
Geotechnics of soft soils. Focus on ground improvement / Геомеханика мягких почв (грунтов). Фокус на укрепление грунтов

Comparison of vibrocompaction methods by numerical simulations

Settlement predictions of embankments on organic soils in engineering practice

Installation effects of vibro replacement stone columns in soft clay

Soil fracturing of soft silty clays for the reinforcement of a bell tower foundation

Modelling of soft ground consolidation via combined surcharge and vacuum preloading

Enhanced viscoplastic modelling of soft soils

Modelling the influence of density and bonding on geomaterials

Some experiences from full-scale test embankments on floating lime-cement columns

3D numerical modelling of the behaviour of large buildings founded on Mexico City soft clays

Frictional contact formulation for large deformation analyses in geomechanics

Numerical analysis of embankments on soft soils incorporating vertical drains

An experimentally-based constitutive model for deep-mix stabilized quick clay

Numerical investigation on the factors affecting pullout resistance of driven nails in pyroclastic silty sand

Modelling piled foundation by means of embedded piles

Numerical analysis of a floating stone column foundation using different constitutive models

Numerical modelling of small-scale geogrid encased sand column tests

A unified method to describe the influences of intermediate principal stress and stress history in constitutive modelling

Numerical modelling of deep mixed columns below embankments constructed on soft soils

Validation of anisotropic creep model for soft soils

Numerical modelling of a test embankment on soft clay improved with vertical drains

Predicting horizontal deformations depending on the construction scheme using artificial intelligence

Application of volume averaging technique in numerical modelling of deep mixing

Three-dimensional analyses of PVD-improved soft soils

Ground improvement with cement-rubberchip stabilization

Laboratory experimental analysis of radial consolidation around a stone column

Model studies of circular foundations on soft soils

Strength and permeability characteristics of cement stabilized soft finnish clay

Soil improvement with vibrated stone columns—influence of pressure level and relative density on friction angle

Evaluation of ground improvement by groups of vibro stone columns using field measurements and numerical analysis

On the difficulty of characterizing the properties of mixed materials obtained from soil-cement columns

Influence of curing temperature on the strength of cement-stabilised artificial clays

Modelling destructuration and anisotropy of Bothkennar clay

Collapse and deformation behaviour of alluvial loess soils from Afghanistan

Characterization and modeling of consolidation and seepage behavior of soft sediment at low stress levels

Centrifuge modelling to compare ground improvement techniques on double porosity clay landfills

Finite element simulation of mandrel penetration in a normally consolidated soil

A review of field trials investigating the performance of partial depth vibro stone columns in a deep soft clay deposit

Evaluation of the effect of face bolting on tunnel construction using X-ray CT

Numerical modelling of stone columns in soft clay under an embankment

Shaft capacity of pre-stressed tubular concrete pile in marine soft ground

Investigating Priebe’s method for settlement estimation of foundation resting on soil reinforced by stone columns

A software programme for designing columnar reinforced soils

Influence of stone column deformation on surrounding soil consolidation

Design and construction of a sludge lock trench to prevent extrusion beneath an embankment

Countermeasures against settlement of embankment on soft ground with PFS (Partial Floating Sheet-Pile) method

On the numerical analysis of piled embankments

Design based on in-situ and laboratory tests in soft glacial soil

Numerical creep analysis of the Treporti test embankment

Acceleration of the consolidation process of a clayey soil by preloading and vertical drains: Field measurements and numerical predictions

Consolidation of extremely soft mud for the AIRBUS A-380 assembly factory in Hamburg

Behaviour of pile-net composite foundation

Automated ground improvement process

Veda trial embankment—comparison between measured and calculated deformations and pore pressure development

Application of geosynthetics reinforcement in freezing thawing roads: A case study from Norway

Construction of a lightweight dam on organic soils—FE-analyses and practical experiences

Deep stabilised test embankment at the Suurpelto area in Espoo, Southern Finland

Soil improvement by vibro replacement and preloading for the foundation of a shopping centre on weak marine deposits

Construction of an embankment on and with an improved soft industrial sludge

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