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NI 43-101 technical report for the Neves-Corvo mine, Portugal / Технический отчет NI 43-101 для рудника Невеш-Корво, Португалия

Издание:2017 г., 235 стр.
NI 43-101 technical report for the Neves-Corvo mine, Portugal / Технический отчет NI 43-101 для рудника Невеш-Корво, Португалия

Wardell Armstrong International Limited (“WAI”) was commissioned by Lundin Mining Corporation (“Lundin”) to prepare an updated Technical Report in accordance with the disclosure requirements of Canadian Securities Administrators’ National Instrument 43-101, Standard of Disclosure of Mineral Projects (“NI 43-101”) to disclose recent information about the Neves-Corvo underground mine located on the Neves-Corvo integrated Mining Concession, and the surrounding Exploration Concession (collectively “Neves-Corvo”). This information has been derived from a Feasibility Study (“FS”) undertaken by Lundin on the Zinc Expansion Project (“ZEP”) at Neves-Corvo and includes anupdated Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve estimate.
WAI undertook a technical due diligence of the Neves-Corvo mine and this study considered all aspects of the mine from geology and Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves estimates in accordance with guidelines of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) “CIM Definition Standards For Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserves 2014”, exploration potential, mining,processing, economics, and environmental and social issues.
Lundin is a base metals mining company that produces copper, nickel, zinc and lead at four mines operate by indirect subsidiaries in Portugal (Neves-Corvo), Chile (Candelaria Mining Complex), United States of America (Eagle Mine) and Sweden (Zinkgruvan Mine). In addition, Lundin indirectly holds an equity stake in the Freeport Cobalt Oy business which includes a cobalt refinery located in Kokkola, Finland. Neves-Corvo is operated by Sociedade Mineira de Neves-Corvo SA (“SOMINCOR”) a 100% subsidiary of Lundin Mining. <...>

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