Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
Ni 43-101 technical report feasibility study expansion of gold production at Choco 10 and Increible 6. Bolivar state, Venezuela / Технический отчет Ni 43-101. Технико-экономическое обоснование расширения добычи золота на рудниках Choco 10 и Increible 6.
Micon International Limited (Micon) was retained in August, 2009 by Rusoro Mining Ltd. (Rusoro) to complete a feasibility study for an expansion of the existing processing facility to permit treatment of 20,000 t/d of mainly hard rock from the Choco 10 and Increible 6 deposits. Exploration prior to 2009 had identified additional mineralised deposits and, in 2008, a preliminary assessment was conducted which examined the possibility of increasing the 5,000 t/d mill capacity (Buchanan et. al., 2009). A number of options were investigated and increasing the total plant throughput to 20,000 t/d was found to be the most economically viable.
This feasibility study evaluates the construction of additional processing facilities to treat material from the existing Choco 10 mine and the nearby Increible 6 property as an expansion of the existing Choco 10 plant. With the exception of the construction of a new tailings storage facility, the expanded facilities will be essentially located within the site of the existing Choco 10 operation and represent a brownfields expansion <...>