Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

The technology of artificial lift methods. Volume 1. Inflow performance. Multiphase flow in pipes. The flowing well / Технология методов механизированной добычи. Том 1. Производительность притока. Многофазный поток в трубах. Излив скважины

Том 1
Автор(ы):Brown K.E.
Издание:Pennwell Books, 1977 г., 487 стр., ISBN: 0-87814-031-Х
The technology of artificial lift methods. Volume 1. Inflow performance. Multiphase flow in pipes. The flowing well / Технология методов механизированной добычи. Том 1. Производительность притока. Многофазный поток в трубах. Излив скважины

The inflow performance of a well represents the ability of that well to give up fluids. A typical plot is noted in Figure 1.1 and shows how the shapes of the curves may differ. For example, flowing pressure vs rate may be essentially a straight line (water drive and/or pressure above saturation pressure) or it may curve (solution gas’ drive and flow below the bubble point). The ability of a well to give up fluids depends to a great extent upon the type of reservoir and drive mechanism, and such variables as reservoir pressure, permeability, etc. It is common practice to assume that inflow into a particular well with constant conditions is directionally proportional to (Pr). Note curve A in Fig. 1.1 which is a straight line. Normally this is true only for flowing pressures above the bubble point. <...>

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