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Practical geostatistics / Практическая геостатистика

Автор(ы):Clark I.
Издание:2001 г., 119 стр.
Practical geostatistics / Практическая геостатистика

This book is aimed at postgraduates, undergraduates and workers in industry who require an introduction to geostatistics. It is based on seven years of courses to undergraduates, M.Sc. students and short courses to industry, and reflects the problems which have been encountered in presenting this material to mining engineers and geologists over a wide age range, and with an equally wide range of numerical ability. The book would provide the foundation of a course of about 20 to 30 hours, or of a five-day short course.
The level of mathematical and statistical ability required is fairly rudimentary; it is sufficient to be able to cope with concepts like mean, variance, standard error of the mean, normal and log-normal distributions, and to have some notion of the background to solving sets of simultaneous equations.
As an introduction to a subject which is commonly presented as rather complex, the book will familiarise the reader with the concepts and techniques of geostatistics, providing the necessary foundation to enable him or her to evaluate basic idealised examples. It also gives an indication of how to employ the techniques in more complex and realistic situations. <...>

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