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Quantitative geology and geostatistics. Volume 16. geoENV VII – Geostatistics for environmental applications / Количественная геология и геостатистика. Том 16. geoENV VII – Геостатистика для применения в окружающей среде

Редактор(ы):Atkinson P.M., Lloyd C.D.
Издание:Springer, 2010 г., 435 стр., ISBN: 978-90-481-2321-6
Quantitative geology and geostatistics. Volume 16. geoENV VII – Geostatistics for environmental applications / Количественная геология и геостатистика. Том 16. geoENV VII – Геостатистика для применения в окружающей среде

Proceedings of the seventh European conference on geostatistics for environmental applications / Материалы Седьмой Европейской конференции по геостатистике для применения в окружающей среде


Characterising spatial and temporal variation in environmental properties, generatingmaps from sparse samples, and quantifying uncertainties in the maps, are key concerns across the environmental sciences. The body of tools known as geostatistics offers a powerful means of addressing these and related questions. This volume presents recent research in methodological developments in geostatistics and in a variety of specific environmental application areas including soil science, climatology, pollution, health, wildlife mapping, fisheries and remote sensing, amongst others.

This book contains selected contributions from geoENV VII, the 7th International Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications, held in Southampton, UK, in September 2008. Like previous conferences in the series, the meeting attracted a diversity of researchers from across Europe and further afield. A total of 82 abstracts were submitted to the conference and from these the organisation committee selected 46 papers for oral presentation and 30 for poster presentation.

The chapters contained in the book represent the state-of-the-art in geostatistics for the environmental sciences. The book includes 35 chapters arranged according to their main focus, whether methodological, or in a particular application. All of the chapters included were accepted after review by members of the scientific committee and each chapter was also subject to checks by the editors.

The editors wish to acknowledge the reviewers and the authors of the chapters that make up this book; it would not have existed without their efforts. The editors would also like to thank the sponsors of the conference, who included Cambridge University Press, Wiley, Taylor and Francis, the Ordnance Survey, the GeoData Institute, University of Southampton, School of Geography, University of Southampton and the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society. 


Part I Biology

Geostatistical Modelling ofWildlife Populations: A Non-stationary HierarchicalModel for Count Data

Incorporating Survey Data to Improve Space–Time Geostatistical Analysis of King Prawn Catch Rate

Part II Climate

Multivariate Interpolation of Monthly Precipitation Amount in the United Kingdom

Extreme Precipitation Modelling Using Geostatistics and Machine Learning Algorithms

On Geostatistical Analysis of Rainfall Using Data from Boundary Sites

Geostatistics Applied to the City of Porto Urban Climatology

Integrating Meteorological Dynamic Data and Historical Data into a Stochastic Model for Predicting Forest Fires Risk Maps

Part III Health

Using Geostatistical Methods in the Analysis of Public Health Data: The Final Frontier?

Second-Order Analysis of the Spatio-temporal Distribution of Human Campylobacteriosis in Preston, Lancashire

Application of Geostatistics in Cancer Studies

Part IV Hydrology

Blocking Markov Chain Monte Carlo Schemes for Inverse Stochastic Hydrogeological Modeling

Simulation of Fine-Scale Heterogeneity of Meandering River Aquifer Analogues: Comparing Different Approaches

Application of Multiple-Point Geostatistics on Modelling Groundwater Flow and Transport in a Cross-Bedded Aquifer

Part V Pollution

Assessment of the Impact of Pollution by Arsenic in the Vicinity of Panasqueira Mine (Portugal) 

Simulation of Continuous Variables at Meander Structures: Application to Contaminated Sediments of a Lagoon

Joint Space–Time Geostatistical Model for Air Quality Surveillance/Monitoring System 

GeostatisticalMethods for Polluted Sites Characterization

Geostatistical Mapping of Outfall Plume Dispersion Data Gathered with an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

Part VI Soils and Agriculture

Change of the A Priori Stochastic Structure in the Conditional Simulation of Transmissivity Fields

Geostatistical Interpolation of Soil Properties in Boom Clay in Flanders

An Examination of Transformation Techniques to Investigate and Interpret Multivariate Geochemical Data Analysis: Tellus Case Study

Shelling in the First World War Increased the Soil Heavy Metal Concentration 

A Geostatistical Analysis of Rubber Tree Growth Characteristics and Soil Physical Attributes 

Investigating the Potential of Area-to-Area and Area-to-Point Kriging for Defining Management Zones for Precision Farming of Cranberries

Part VII Theory

Estimating the Local Small Support Semivariogram for Use in Super-Resolution Mapping

Modeling Spatial Uncertainty for Locally Uncertain Data 

Spatial Interpolation Using Copula-Based Geostatistical Models

Exchanging Uncertainty: Interoperable Geostatistics?

Hierarchical Bayesian Model for Gaussian, Poisson and Ordinal Random Fields

Detection of Optimal Models in Parameter Space with Support VectorMachines 

Robust Automatic Mapping Algorithms in a Network Monitoring Scenario

Parallel Geostatistics for Sparse and Dense Datasets

Multiple Point Geostatistical Simulation with Simulated Annealing: Implementation Using Speculative Parallel Computing 

Application of Copulas in Geostatistics

Integrating Prior Knowledge and Locally Varying Parameters with Moving-GeoStatistics: Methodology and Application to BathymetricMapping

ТематикаГеоинформационные системы, Геостатистика
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