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Orebody modelling and strategic mine planning. Uncertainty and risk management models / Моделирование рудных тел и стратегическое планирование горных работ. Модели неопределенности и управления рисками

Издание 2
Редактор(ы):Dimitrakopoulus R.
Издание:The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2007 г., 371 стр., ISBN: 978-1-920806-77-4
Orebody modelling and strategic mine planning. Uncertainty and risk management models / Моделирование рудных тел и стратегическое планирование горных работ. Модели неопределенности и управления рисками
  1. Beyond Naпve Optimisation 
  2. Integrated Mine Evaluation — Implications for Mine Management
  3. Using Real Options to Incorporate Price Risk into the Valuation of a Multi-Mineral Mine
  4. Roadblocks to the Evaluation of Ore Reserves — The Simulation Overpass and Putting More Geology into Numerical Models of Deposits
  5. Quantification of Risk Using Simulation of the Chain of Mining — Case Study at Escondida Copper, Chile
  6. Integrated Strategy Optimisation for Complex Operations
  7. Simulation of Orebody Geology with Multiple-Point Geostatistics — Application at Yandi Channel Iron Ore Deposit, WA and Implications for Resource Uncertainty
  8. New Efficient Methods for Conditional Simulation of Large Orebodies
  9. A Practical Process for Geostatistical Simulation with Emphasis on Gaussian Methods
  10. Conditional Simulation by Successive Residuals — Updating of Existing Orebody Realisations
  11. Fractal-Based Fault Simulations Using a Geological Analogue — Quantification of Fault Risk at Wyong, NSW, Australia
  12. The Use of Conditional Simulation to Assess Process Risk Associated with Grade Variability at the Corridor Sands Detrital Ilmenite Deposit, Mozambique
  13. Risk Management Through the Use of 2D Conditional Co-Simulation at an Underground Gold Mine in Western Australia
  14. Pseudoflow, New Life for Lerchs-Grossmann Pit Optimisation
  15. Large-Scale Production Scheduling with the Fundamental Tree Algorithm — Model, Case Study and Comparisons
  16. Multi-Mine Better Than Multiple Mines
  17. Blasor — Blended Iron Ore Mine Planning Optimisation at Yandi, Western Australia
  18. Joint Ore Extraction and In-Pit Dumping Optimisation
  19. Optimisation in the Design of Underground Mine Access
  20. Open Pit Optimisation — Strategies for Improving Economics of Mining Projects Through Mine Planning
  21. Network Linear Programming Optimisation of an Integrated Mining and Metallurgical Complex
  22. Application of Conditional Simulations to Capital Decisions for Ni-Sulfide and Ni-Laterite Deposits
  23. Grade Uncertainty in Stope Design — Improving the Optimisation Process
  24. Strategic Mine Planning at Murrin-Murrin, Western Australia — Implementing NetVal
  25. Development and Application of Whittle Multi-Mine at Geita Gold Mine, Tanzania
  26. Assessing Underground Mining Potential at Ernest Henry Mine Using Conditional Simulation and Stope Optimisation
  27. Optimising Open Pit Design with Simulated Orebodies and Whittle Four-X — A Maximum Upside/Minimum Downside Approach
  28. Incorporating Grade Uncertainty in the Decision to Expand the Main Pit at the Navachab Gold Mine, Namibia, Through the Use of Stochastic Simulation
  29. Orebody Modelling, Mine Planning, Reserve Evaluation and the Regulatory Environment
  30. Diamond Resources and Reserves — Technical Uncertainties Affecting Their Estimation, Classification and Valuation
  31. Koniambo Lateritic Ni-Co Deposits, New Caledonia — A Case Study from Geological Modelling to Mineral Resource Classification
  32. The Value of Additional Drilling to Open Pit Mining Projects
  33. Quantification of Geological Uncertainty and Risk Using Stochastic Simulation and Applications in the Coal Mining Industry
  34. Risk Assessment in Strategic and Tactical Geomechanical Underground Mine Design
  35. Geotechnical Risk Considerations in Mine Planning
  36. Mine Design in Western Australia — A Regulator’s Perspective
  37. A Practical Application of an Economic Optimisation Model in an Underground Mining Environment
  38. The Use of Extractive Blending Optimisation for Improved Profitability
  39. Optimising the Strategic Mine Plan — Methodologies, Findings, Successes and Failures
  40. Optimising Multiple Operating Policies for Exploiting Complex Resources — An Overview of the COMET Scheduler
  41. Integrating Multiple Simulations and Mining Dilution in Open Pit Optimisation Algorithms
  42. Hybrid Pits — Linking Conditional Simulation and Lerchs-Grossmann Through Set Theory
  43. Global Asset Optimisation
  44. A Multi-Stage Approach to Profitable Risk Management for Strategic Planning in Open Pit Mines
  45. A New Efficient Joint Simulation Framework and Application in a Multivariable Deposit
  46. Modelling the Geometry of Geological Units and its Uncertainty in 3D from Structural Data — The Potential-Field Method
  47. Planning, Designing and Optimising Production Using Geostatistical Simulation
  48. Mining Schedule Optimisation for Conditionally Simulated Orebodies
  49. Stochastic Optimisation of Long-Term Production Scheduling for Open Pit Mines with a New Integer Programming Formulation
  50. Uncertainty and Risk Management in Research and Development
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