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Andean structural styles. A seismic atlas / Типы Андских структур. Сейсмический атлас

Редактор(ы):Mora A., Zamora G.
Издание:Elsevier, 2022 г., 476 стр., ISBN: 978-0-323-85175-6
Andean structural styles. A seismic atlas / Типы Андских структур. Сейсмический атлас

Many mountains are the expression of fold-and-thrust belts and are of great interest to both mountaineers and geologists (who are often also mountaineers). They are fascinated by the peaks, volcanoes, valleys, and glaciers, which provoke the desire to either climb them or understand their genesis. The Andes, with a length of more than 8000 kilometers, constitute the longest mountain chain in the world, with several Cordilleras and diverse climates throughout. Early naturalists were captivated by them and began to carry out expeditions from the 19th century. These expeditions brought some of the earliest geological cross-sections depicting parts of the Andes (Fig. 1).
Since that time, knowledge of the Andes has evolved enormously, and today the Andes is considered as a global type example of oceanecontinent convergence with a long-lived evolution of the convergent margin and continuous subduction of the oceanic lithosphere of the Pacific Ocean beneath the continental lithosphere of South America during the Cenozoic and Mesozoic. Variations in the direction and rate of convergence, together with changes in the slab dip, have shaped the present Andean configuration. However, this subduction was preceded by a complex Paleozoic and Proterozoic tectonic history, with the amalgamation of different terranes and the creation of basins that constructed the Pre-Andean framework. This intricate tectonic history has favored the development of a large number of sedimentary basins. Some of them are highly mature in terms of hydrocarbon production, with source rocks and reservoirs from Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic sedimentary sequences, while others are still underexplored. All these are interesting scenarios for geologists and geophysicists to study and understand <...>

ТематикаГеотектоника, Сейсморазведка
МеткиАнды, Атлас, Сейсмические структуры, Структурная геология, Субдукция
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