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Production and transport of oil and gas. Part B. Gathering nad transportation / Добыча и транспортировка нефти и газа. Часть B. Сбор и транспортировка

Издание 2
Автор(ы):Szilas A.P.
Издание:Elsevier, 1986 г., 352 стр., ISBN: 0-44-99565-X
Production and transport of oil and gas. Part B. Gathering nad transportation / Добыча и транспортировка нефти и газа. Часть B. Сбор и транспортировка

Steel pipes used in transporting oil and gas are either hotrolled seamless pipes or spiral or axially welded pipes, respectively. Pipes manufactured according to API Standards are used mostly by the oil- and gas-industry all over the world. On the basis of API Spec. 5L-1978 Tuhlc 6.1 - l gives the main characteristics of thc plainend pipes of 1/8"- 1 1/2" nominal diameters. The main parameters of the pipes exceeding these sizes arc given in Tuhle 6.1-2. The table was constructed on the basis of API Spec. 5L- 1978, 5LX- 1978. 5LS- 1978, and 5LU- 1972. For each OD of the pipes the following data are given: the smallest and largest mass per length of the pipes (Column 3); the wall thickness (Column 4): the corresponding smallest and largest IDS (Column 5); and, besides, Table 6.1 -2 shows that how many kinds of pipes of standard sizes manufactured according to the above specifications are available within the range of the given size limits (Columns 6-9). The tolerance of the OD depends both on the pipe-size and its mode of fabrication. The maximum admissible tolerance is 1 percent. The tolerance of the wall-thickness varies also depending on the pipe-size mode of fabrication. The maximum admissible tolerances range between +20 and - 12.5 percents. Pipe ends are bevelled to facilitate butt welding. Unless there is an agreement to the contrary the bevel angle is 30" (tolerance + 5" -Oo) as measured from a plane perpendicular to the pipe axis. The height of the unbevelled pipeface, perpendicular to the axis should be 1.59 mm with a tolerance of kO.79 mm. <...>

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