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Isotope hydrology. A study of the water cycle / Изотопная гидрология. Исследование круговорота воды

Автор(ы):Gat J.R.
Издание:Imperial College Press, 2010 г., 196 стр., ISBN: 978-1-86094-035-4
Isotope hydrology. A study of the water cycle / Изотопная гидрология. Исследование круговорота воды

“Water, water, every where, — nor any drop to drink” (Samuel Taylor Coleridge, “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”) aptly sums up the overall picture of the hydrosphere — that part of planet Earth made up of water. The oceans, covering 71% of the surface of the globe, make up 97.25% of the mass of water. Most of the freshwaters, whose volume is estimated to be 39·106 km3, are also not immediately accessible: 29·106 km3 is ice accumulated on mountain glaciers and on the ice caps of the poles; 9.5·106 km3 constitute groundwaters and only about 0.13·106 km3 are surface waters, mainly lakes and rivers. The amount of water held up in the biosphere is estimated to be 0.6·103 km3. The atmospheric moisture amounts to just 13·103 km3 — less than 10−5 of the total amount of water — but this small amount is the one which actuates the hydrologic cycle by virtue of its dynamic nature. <...>

ТематикаГидрогеология, Геохимия
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