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Groundwater lowering in construction. A practical guide to dewatering / Понижение уровня грунтовых вод при строительствею Практическое руководство по обезвоживанию

Издание 3
Автор(ы):Cashman P.M., Preene M.
Издание:CRC Press, 2021 г., 956 стр., ISBN: 978-0-367-50474-8
Groundwater lowering in construction. A practical guide to dewatering / Понижение уровня грунтовых вод при строительствею Практическое руководство по обезвоживанию

Many engineering projects, especially major ones, entail excavations into water-bearing soils. For all such excavations, appropriate system(s) for the management and control of the groundwater and surface water run-off should be planned before the start of each project. In practice, this can only be done with knowledge of the ground and groundwater conditions likely to be encountered by reference to site investigation data. The control of groundwater (and also surface water run-off) is invariably categorized as ‘temporary works’ and so is often regarded by the client and their engineer or architect as the sole responsibility of the contractor and of little or no concern to them. In many instances, this philosophy has been demonstrated to be short-sighted and ultimately costly to the client <...>

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