Precambrian ophiolites and related rocks / Докембрийские офиолиты и связанные с ними горные породы

Автор(ы):Kusky T.M.
Издание:Elsevier, 2004 г., 761 стр., ISBN: 0-444-50923-2
Precambrian ophiolites and related rocks / Докембрийские офиолиты и связанные с ними горные породы

Recent developments have shown that many full and partial ophiolites are preserved in Precambrian cratons. This book provides a comprehensive description and discussion of the field aspects, geochemistry, geochronology, and structure of the best of these ophiolites. The book also presents syntheses of the characteristics of ophiolites of different ages, and presents an analysis of what the characteristics of these ophiolites mean for the thermal and chemical evolution of the earth. <...>

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