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Exploration for platinum-group elements deposits / Разведка месторождений элементов платиновой группы

Редактор(ы):Mungall J.E.
Издание:Mineralogical Association of Canada, 2005 г., 537 стр.
Exploration for platinum-group elements deposits / Разведка месторождений элементов платиновой группы

Ggeochemistry of platinum-group elements

1. Magmatic Geochemistry of the PGE

2. The Aqueous Geochemistry of the Platinum Group Elements (PGE) in Surficial, Low-T Hydrothermal and High-T Magmatic-Hydrothermal Environments 

Descriptive platinum-group element ore deposit models – precious-metaldominant

3. Stratiform PGE Deposits in Layered Intrusions 

4. PGE Deposits in the Marginal Series of Layered Intrusions

5. Behavior of PGE and PGM in the Supergene Environment: A Case Study of Persistence and Redistribution in the Main Sulfide Zone of The Great Dyke, Zimbabwe

6. Placers Associated with Ural-Alaska-type Complexes 

7. Descriptive Ore Deposit Models: Hydrothermal and Supergene Pt & Pd Deposits 

Descriptive platinum-group element ore deposit models – base-metaldominant

8. Sudbury Cu-(Ni)-PGE Systems: Refining the Classification Using McCreedy West Mine and Podolsky Project Case Studies

9. The Conduits of Magmatic Ore Deposits

10. PGE Potential of Porphyry Deposits

Exploration methods

11. PGE Exploration: Economic Considerations and Geological Criteria 

12. The Geophysical Signatures of PGE Deposits

13. PGE in Geochemical Exploration

14. Lithogeochemical Prospecting 

Case histories

15. Fedorov-Pana layered mafic intrusion, (Kola Peninsula, Russia): approaches, methods, and criteria for prospecting PGEs 

16. The Discovery and Characterization of the Nickel Rim South Deposit; Sudbury Ontario

17. Discovery and Geology of the Lac Des Iles Palladium Deposits 

18. Discovery of the J-M Reef, Stillwater Complex, Montana: the role of soil and silt platinum and palladium geochemical surveys

19. Exploration and Mining Perspective of the Main Sulfide Zone of the Great Dyke, Zimbabwe - Case Study of the Hartley Platinum Mine

20. The Platinova Reef of the Skaergaard intrusion

21. Polymetallic PGE-Au Mineralization of the Sukhoi Log Deposit, Russia 

22. Ni–Cu–Cr–PGE Mineralization Types: Distribution and Classification

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