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Geology of Australian and Papua New Guinean mineral deposits / Геология месторождений полезных ископаемых Австралии и Папуа-Новой Гвинеи

Редактор(ы):Berkman D.A., Mackenzie D.H.
Издание:The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 1998 г., 898 стр., ISBN: 1-875776-53-2
Geology of Australian and Papua New Guinean mineral deposits / Геология месторождений полезных ископаемых Австралии и Папуа-Новой Гвинеи

Geology of Australian and Papua New Guinean Mineral Deposits heralds a new era in  the publication of The AusIMM Monograph Series. The new methodology involves a small Committee, including a Project Coordinator. It has proved most effective and economical.

The Monograph 22 Committee was established early in 1996, under the direction of Sandra Close, (Chairman of The AusIMM Publications Committee) with the Joint Editors, The AusIMM Publications Manager and the Project Coordinator. Overall parameters and criteria for papers were determined and a detailed Guide to Authors and Standard Operating Procedures were developed, to ensure a streamlined process. Over 300 companies were then invited to submit papers if their deposits met the criteria. The invitation was repeated in The AusIMM Bulletin and The Australian Geologist, to ensure that the volume’s coverage was comprehensive.

The experience and knowledge the Joint Editors, Don Berkman and David Mackenzie, brought to the project was extremely valuable. Their commitment during the three stage editorial process has enhanced the quality and consistency  of the monograph.

Penelope Griffiths, The AusIMM Publications Manager provided expertise on publishing and related matters throughout the project. Pamela Bell’s methodical approach established clear and effective procedures for the control and flow of papers through the editorial process. Katrina Fogg and Angie Spry assisted with desktop publishing. I would like to express my appreciation to all those who contributed to the production of this volume, especially the authors of the individual papers whose enthusiasm and cooperation made my task much easier.

I have valued Sandra Close’s patient guidance. My role has been both challenging and rewarding and I have enjoyed the opportunity to contribute to this monograph.

The Australian mineral industry, 1986–1996 

Papua New Guinea’s mineral industry, 1986–1996 

The JORC Code, 1987–1997

Australian mineral exploration research 


Mineral deposits of the Padbury, Bryah and Yerrida basins

Plutonic gold deposit

Gold deposits of the Peak Hill area 

Nimary gold deposits 

Jundee gold deposit 

Bulletin gold deposit

Some gold deposits of the Bluebird, Nannine and Cuddingwarra goldfields, Murchison district

Omega gold deposit

Kingfisher gold deposit

Bronzewing gold deposit 

Mount McClure gold deposits 

Tuckabianna gold deposits 

New Holland, New Holland South and Genesis gold deposits, Lawlers

Agnew gold deposits 

Deflector gold-copper deposit 

Tarmoola gold deposit 

Sunrise-Cleo gold deposit

Lights of Israel gold deposit, Davyhurst 

Mount Dimer gold deposits 

Broads Dam gold deposits 

Kanowna Belle gold deposit 

Kundana gold deposits 

Geko gold deposit 

Centurion gold deposit

Jubilee gold deposit, Kambalda 

Randalls gold deposits

Revenge gold deposit, Kambalda 

Nelson’s Fleet gold deposit

Kambalda-St Ives gold deposits 

Yilgarn Star gold deposit 

Two Boys gold deposit, Higginsville 

Norseman gold deposits 

Nimbus silver-zinc deposit 

Weld Range platinum group element deposit 

Panorama zinc-copper deposits 

Magellan lead deposit 

Honeymoon Well nickel deposits 

Mount Keith nickel deposit

Rocky’s Reward nickel deposit 

Perseverance nickel deposit 

Murrin Murrin nickel-cobalt deposits 

Cawse nickel-cobalt deposit 

Silver Swan, Cygnet and Black Swan nickel deposits 

Kambalda nickel deposits 

Maggie Hays nickel deposit 

Forrestania nickel deposits 

The Y2–3 and Y10 iron ore deposits, Yarrie 

Brockman No. 2 detritals (B2D) iron ore deposit 

Hope Downs iron ore deposits 

Speewah fluorite deposit 


Perseverance gold deposit, Tarcoola 

Iron ore deposits of the northern Gawler Craton 


Brocks Creek gold deposits, Pine Creek 

Union Reefs gold deposit 

Mount Todd gold deposits 

Gold Creek gold deposit 

White Devil gold deposit 

Gold deposits of the Tanami Corridor 

Dead Bullock Soak gold deposits 

Merlin diamondiferous kimberlite pipes


Tasmania gold deposit, Beaconsfield 

Henty gold deposit 

Rosebery lead-zinc-gold-silver-copper deposit 

Renison Bell tin deposit 


Victorian gold province 

Fosterville gold deposits 

Williams United gold deposit, Bendigo 

Bailieston gold deposit 

Deborah line of reef gold deposits, Bendigo 

Eaglehawk-Linscotts reef gold deposits, Maldon 

Stawell gold deposits 

Ballarat gold deposits 


Timbarra gold deposits 

Mount Terrible gold deposits 

McKinnons gold deposit, Cobar 

Browns Creek gold-copper deposit 

Endeavour 42 (E42) gold deposit, Lake Cowal 

Elura zinc-lead-silver deposit, Cobar 

Girilambone district copper deposits 

CSA copper-lead-zinc deposit, Cobar 

Peak gold-copper-lead-zinc-silver deposit, Cobar 

Potosi zinc-lead-silver deposit, Broken Hill 

Broken Hill lead-zinc-silver deposit 

Bowdens silver-lead-zinc deposit, Mudgee 

Lewis Ponds gold-silver-copper-lead-zinc deposits 

Cadia gold-copper deposit 

Heavy mineral sand deposits, central Murray Basin 

Hillview vermiculite deposit 

Thuddungra magnesite deposits 


Atric gold deposit 

Anastasia gold deposit 

Mount Wright gold deposit 

Ravenswood gold deposits 

Vera North and Nancy gold deposits, Pajingo 

Wirralie gold deposit 

Yandan gold deposit 

Tick Hill gold deposit 

Belyando gold deposit 

Mount Morgan gold-copper deposits 

Red Dome and Mungana gold-silver-copper-lead-zinc deposits

Century zinc-lead-silver deposit 

Surveyor 1 copper-lead-zinc-silver-gold deposit 

Gunpowder copper deposits 

Grevillea zinc-lead-silver deposit 

Ernest Henry copper-gold deposit 

Greenmount copper-cobalt-gold deposit 

Mount Elliott copper-gold deposit 

Cannington silver-lead-zinc deposit 

Osborne copper-gold deposit 

Brolga nickel-cobalt deposit 

Westmoreland uranium deposits 

Kunwarara magnesite deposit 


Mount Sinivit gold deposits 

Wafi copper-gold deposit 

Hamata gold deposit 

Tolukuma gold-silver deposit 

Mount Bini copper-gold deposit 

Gameta gold deposit 

Nena copper-gold deposit 

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