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Ore deposit geology / Геология месторождений полезных ископаемых

Автор(ы):Ridley J.
Издание:Cambridge University Press, 2013 г., 410 стр., ISBN: 978-1-107-02222-5
Ore deposit geology / Геология месторождений полезных ископаемых

Ore deposit geology may be taught late in a student’s undergraduate programme, or even at the beginning of a graduate programme. At this stage the student is able to link many of the concepts involved in ore genesis into his or her knowledge of the building blocks of the geosciences. Or it may be taught early, to show students potential applications of their emerging knowledge. This book is designed for the former case and also to be a reference if a student chooses to work professionally in the field. Knowledge typical of standard undergraduate courses in mineralogy, igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary geology, structural geology and tectonics, and geomorphology are assumed, together with some basic chemistry. It is not assumed that students have had courses in isotope geochemistry or in geochemical thermodynamics. <...>

1 What is an ore deposit?

1.1 Definition and scope of ore deposit geology

1.2 Ore deposit geology and related sciences 

1.3 The geology of ore deposits

1.4 Ore deposit geology as a science: classifications and deposit models

1.5 The future of ore deposit geology 

Questions and exercises 

Further readings 

2 Magmatic ore deposits 

2.1 Petrological and geochemical background to magmatic ore formation 

2.1.1 Processes of magma development 

2.1.2 Partitioning of elements between phases – the common process of chemical evolution in magmatic systems 

2.2 Types of magmatic ore deposits 

2.2.1 Deposits formed from small-fraction partial melts: light rare-earth element (LREE) ores in carbonatites 

2.2.2 Deposits formed during differentiation of a silicate melt: chromite deposits 

2.2.3 Deposits formed from immiscible sulfide melt phases: base-metal Ni–Cu sulfide deposits in mafic and ultramafic rocks

2.2.4 Deposits formed from immiscible sulfide melt phases: PGE sulfide deposits 

2.2.5 Deposits formed through extreme fractionation of magma: rare-metal pegmatites

2.2.6 Ores formed through incorporation of a mineral from depth in the Earth into magma: diamond deposits in kimberlites and lamproites 

Questions and exercises 

Further readings 

3 Hydrothermal ore deposits I: magmatic and orogenic environments 

3.1 Hydrothermal systems: generalities and background 

3.1.1 What fluids form hydrothermal systems?

3.1.2 Components of a mineralising hydrothermal system 

3.1.3 Mass-balance requirements for the formation of hydrothermal ore deposits 

3.1.4 Hydrothermal solution chemistry, aqueous complexes and mineral solubility 

3.1.5 Products of hydrothermal fluid flow 

3.2 Hydrothermal deposits formed around magmatic centres 

3.2.1 Porphyry deposits 

3.2.2 Greisens and related ore deposits 

3.2.3 Skarn and carbonate-replacement deposits 

3.2.4 Polymetallic veins and vein fields associated with magmatic centres

3.2.5 High-sulfidation epithermal Au–Ag deposits 

3.2.6 Low-sulfidation epithermal deposits 

3.2.7 Volcanic-hosted massive sulfide (VHMS) deposits 

3.3 Syn-orogenic hydrothermal ore deposits without close spatial or temporal relations to magmatism

3.3.1 Orogenic Au deposits 

3.3.2 Carlin-type gold deposits 

3.3.3 Iron oxide–copper–gold (IOCG) deposits

Questions and exercises 

Further readings 

4 Hydrothermal ore deposits II: sedimentary environments 

4.1 Hydrothermal fluids in sedimentary basins

4.1.1 Chemical characteristics of basinal waters 

4.1.2 Large-scale fluid flow in sedimentary basins 

4.2 Base-metal deposits in sedimentary basins

4.2.1 Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) Pb–Zn deposits 

4.2.2 SEDEX Pb–Zn–Ag deposits 

4.2.3 Kupferschiefer or red-bed copper deposits 

4.3 Uranium deposits in sedimentary basins 

4.3.1 Unconformity-related uranium deposits 

4.3.2 Tabular uranium deposits 

4.3.3 Roll-front uranium deposits 

Questions and exercises 

Further readings 

5 Ore deposits formed in sedimentary environments 

5.1 Chemical precipitation from surface waters (hydrogene deposits)

5.1.1 Iron ores in ironstones 

5.1.2 Sedimentary-rock-hosted Mn deposits

5.1.3 Sedimentary-rock-hosted phosphorus deposits 

5.2 Ore deposits in clastic sedimentary environments 

5.2.1 Heavy-mineral sand deposits on shorelines and palaeoshorelines

5.2.2 Fluvial placer and palaeoplacer deposits 

Questions and exercises 

Further readings

6 Supergene ores and supergene overprinting of ores

6.1 In situ supergene ores 

6.1.1 Bauxite in lateritic weathering profiles

6.1.2 Ni–Co laterite deposits 

6.2 Supergene ores formed by overprinting of hypogene ores 

6.2.1 Supergene gold ores in lateritic weathering profiles 

6.2.2 Supergene copper ores in arid and semi-arid climates 

Questions and exercises 

Further readings 





ТематикаПолезные ископаемые
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