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Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. Part L. Mollusca. Volume 4. Cretaceous ammonoidea / Трактат по палеонтологии беспозвоночных. Часть L. Mollusca. Том 4. Меловые аммоноиды

Автор(ы):Calloman J.H., Howarth M.K., Wright C.W.
Издание:The Geological Society of America, 1996 г., 381 стр.
Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. Part L. Mollusca. Volume 4. Cretaceous ammonoidea / Трактат по палеонтологии беспозвоночных. Часть L. Mollusca. Том 4. Меловые аммоноиды

Cretaceous ammonites belong to the four suborders Phylloceratina, Lytoceratina, Ammonitina, and Ancyloceratina. The longranging Phylloceratina extend from low in the Triassic to the top of the Cretaceous, and those that occur in the Cretaceous belong to genera that originated in the Jurassic or are closely related to them. None of them form a suprageneric group that is characteristic of the Cretaceous. Consequently,- Phyllocerarina that occur in the Cretaceous are included in this volume as a genus list only. Abbreviated details of their type species, synonyms, and biostratigraphical ranges within the Cretaceous are given here, but a full description of each genus will be found in the Jurassic volume of the ammonoid Treatise. Lytoceratina range from the base of the lurassic to the top of the Cretaceous, and nvo superfamilies are recognized, Lytocerataceae and Tetragonitaceae. Cretaceous Lytocerataceae range to the Cenomanian and belong to genera that originated in the Jurassic or are closely related to them, so they are also included here as a generic list only.

These genera will be described fully in the lurassic Treatisevolume. Tetragonitaceae, on :he other hand, are confined to the Cretaceous, where they form a characteristic suxrfamily ranging from the Barremian to the liaastrichtian. They are described in full in :his volume. <...>

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