Structural geology. Principles, concepts and problems / Структурная геология. Принципы, основы и проблемы

Издание 3
Автор(ы):Bailey C.M., Hatcher R.D.
Издание:Oxford university press, 2020 г., 656 стр., ISBN: 9780190601966
Structural geology. Principles, concepts and problems / Структурная геология. Принципы, основы и проблемы

The arrangement of chapters in the book follows the same outline as previous editions, with no major organizational changes. One thing that may be noticeable is that much of the discussion of the historical basis of concepts and ideas has been moved to essays. This permits students who are interested in the historical development of structural geology to explore further, but it does not interrupt the overall flow of chapters.
One of the pedagogical tenets we have followed in this and previous editions is including more information in each chapter than can be covered in one or two class periods. This makes the book both a text and a reference document, which we consider a positive attribute of our book. Another is the use of different letter styles throughout the book for terms we consider to be most important for students to remember (in bold italic), important but not imperative to be learned (in italic), or for information only (regular type). The Glossary at the end of the book contains all of the first two categories and many of the last. <...>

ТематикаСтруктурная геология
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