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Sources and methods in geography. Hillslope analysis / Источники и методы в географии. Анализ склонов холмов

Автор(ы):Finlayson B., Statham I.
Издание:Butterworths, 1980 г., 233 стр., ISBN: 0-408-10622-0
Sources and methods in geography. Hillslope analysis / Источники и методы в географии. Анализ склонов холмов

Hillslope analysis is a branch of geomorphology whose aims and methods are often not well understood by geographers. Yet the whole of the earth's land surface is formed of slope facets, and an understanding of their form and of the natural processes acting on them is fundamental to geomorphology. One may define a hillslope quite simply as an element of the earth's surface inclined to the horizontal. Thus a slope possesses a gradient, giving it a direction or orientation in space. <...>

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