Topics in geobiology. Volume 44. Ammonoid paleobiology: from macroevolution to paleogeography / Темы в геобиологии. Том 44. Палеобиология аммоноидов: от макроэволюции к палеогеографии

Выпуск 44
Редактор(ы):De Baets K., Klug C., Korn D., Kruta I., Mapes R.H.
Издание:Springer, 2015 г., 614 стр., ISBN: 978-94-017-9632-3
Topics in geobiology. Volume 44. Ammonoid paleobiology: from macroevolution to paleogeography / Темы в геобиологии. Том 44. Палеобиология аммоноидов: от макроэволюции к палеогеографии

Ammonoids are the quintessential fossils, seemingly covering all the major themes of paleontology. Method and theory of stratigraphic correlation using fossils? Albert Oppel, whose concepts of zonation were explicated and applied by W. J. Arkell exhaustively in his monumental works on the Jurassic System, immediately spring to mind-works based virtually exclusively on the stratigraphic distributions of ammonoid species. Evolution? W. Waagen leaps to mind, applying the term “mutation” to his ammonoid lineages, and thus introducing the word to the scientific literature well before geneticists co-opted “mutation” for their own, starkly different, use. <...>

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