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Structural mineralogy. An introduction / Структурная минералогия. Введение
The classification of minerals has changed throughout the ages, the criterion of classification following the development of the mineralogical science. In ancient times, the classification of minerals was mainly based on their practical purposes. According to Theophrastus (372-287 B.C.), and Plinius (77 A.D.), minerals were classified as gemstones, ores, pigments, etc. In the Middle Ages, Geber (Jabir Ibn Hayyi'm, 721-c.803), proposed a classification based on the external characteristics and some physical properties of minerals such as hardness, fusibility, malleability and fracture; this physical classification was developed later by Avicenna (Ibn Simi, 980-1037), and Agricola (1546). With Werner (1774) the physical classification attained its maturity and was generally adopted at the end of the XVIII century. <...>