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Structural geology and tectonics. Field Guidebook. Volume 1 / Структурная геология и тектоника. Практическое руководство. Часть 1

Выпуск 1
Редактор(ы):Mukherjee S.
Издание:Springer, 2021 г., 727 стр., ISBN: 978-3-030-0142-3
Structural geology and tectonics. Field Guidebook. Volume 1 / Структурная геология и тектоника. Практическое руководство. Часть 1

Techniques of geologicmapping and geologicmap creation have changed significantly from traditional paper-based methods. Geologic mapping and data collection in the field is now primarily facilitated by mobile devices and dedicated geologic mapping software. Geologic map production has become a fully integrated process, importing digital data from the field and making use of cartographic software, such as ArcGIS and Adobe Illustrator, to create interactive geologic map products. Dissemination of geologic maps incorporates several types of map products to support the variety of uses that practitioners have for geologic maps and field data. Some of these map products include: 1. layered PDF maps, where layers can be toggled to show different map components; 2. Google Earth KML and KMZ files that can be viewed in the virtual 3D terrain of the geobrowser; and 3. GIS geodatabases that include not only the geologic map interpretation of a field area but also the primary field data. Geologic field data should also be archived in community databases, such as StraboSpot.org, so that future field workers can access and validate the data in their projects. This modern approach to creating geologic maps is highlighted in a case study from the lakes region of western Ireland, where undergraduate geoscience students have used digital mapping techniques in field exercises for several years. A brief discussion of the history of digital field mapping and map creation sets the stage for a discussion of modern techniques. Current best practices are highlighted for field mapping and data collection, geologic map creation, dissemination of map-related products, and archiving of data and products. <...>

ТематикаСтруктурная геология
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