Petroleum geology / Геология нефти

Автор(ы):Chapman R.E.
Издание:Elsevier, 1983 г., 433 стр., ISBN: 0-444-42165-3
Petroleum geology / Геология нефти

The fascination of petroleum geology lies both in its complexity and in its importance to society. There is still much that we do not understand; and there is much to learn if remaining undiscovered reserves of oil and gas are to be found economically. It is also good geology with a healthy practical component. The great advances in geological thought and understanding in the 19th Century were based largely on the construction of coal mines, railways and canals. But this was almost two-dimensional geology of the land, bounded by the low-tide line. In the last 30 years or so, geology has moved offshore onto the continental shelves and ocean floors, largely under the stimulus of petroleum exploration, and with it has grown a great wealth of geological information. <...>

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