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The seismic velocity model as an interpretation asset / Модель сейсмичесих скоростей как инструмент интерпретации

Автор(ы):Schultz P.
Издание:Society of exploration geophysicists, 1998 г., 208 стр.
The seismic velocity model as an interpretation asset / Модель сейсмичесих скоростей как инструмент интерпретации

A velocity model can have enduring and growing interpretive value, beyond its initial creation as a means to optimize the seismic image. The 3D velocity model is often built carefully with a combination of geophysical and geological input, because of the accuracy demands placed on it by the requirements of depth imaging. As such, this model becomes an increasingly effective interpretive tool.
This course addresses the ways in which the interpreter should participate in the development of the velocity model, and underscores its interpretive value with numerous case study examples. <...>

МеткиГеофизика, Модель скоростей, Сейсморазведка
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