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Regional geology and tectonics. Principles of geologic analysis. Volume 1 / Региональная геология и тектоника. Часть 1. Принципы геологического анализа

Том 1, Издание 2
Редактор(ы):Adam J., Bally A.W., Chiarella D., Roberts D.G., Scarselli N.
Издание:Elsevier, 2020 г., 877 стр., ISBN: 978-0-444-64134-2
Regional geology and tectonics. Principles of geologic analysis. Volume 1 / Региональная геология и тектоника. Часть 1. Принципы геологического анализа

The most important question every geoscientist should continually ask is ‘why’? Why do I see what I see? Too often it is accepted, for example, that a sedimentary basin ‘is there’, and geoscientists continue to work on surfaces and units within its boundaries, without ever questioning ‘why do I have this hole in the ground’? Why is it here? What governed its geometry and stratigraphic architecture? What controlled the sediment entry points? What dictates the thermal structure? In resource evaluation and field development, the focus is commonly further narrowed, with management only requesting a map on a ‘Green Horizon’ picked on seismic data in a workstation environment covering only a small segment of the total basin area; insights from the broader regional and mega-regional geological understanding are lost. <...>

ТематикаИсторическая геология, Региональная геология
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