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Mineral formation by microorganisms. Concepts and applications / Образование минералов микроорганизмами. Концепции и приложения

Редактор(ы):Berenjian A., Seifan M.
Издание:Springer, 2022 г., 387 стр., ISBN: 978-3-030-80807-5
Mineral formation by microorganisms. Concepts and applications  / Образование минералов микроорганизмами. Концепции и приложения

Biomineralization is recognized as a multifactorial and complex phenomenon that results in the formation of various mineral crystals. In this regard, studies have shown that microorganisms play a key role in the formation of some types of minerals. These minerals can be formed either intracellularly or extracellularly in order to sustain microbial life. Some of these biominerals are produced in an active form while the others are induced in a passive form. This Microbiology Monographs volume examines various forms of microbial mineral formation and their role in microbial domains. Furthermore, common techniques for studying biomineralproducing  microorganisms, factors affecting biomineralization, and the use of this process in real-life applications are demonstrated. All chapters of this book are written by world-renowned scientists who are regarded as leaders in their areas of expertise. First chapter of this book, by Abdullah and others, considers the microbial domains and their role in the formation of minerals. Intracellular and extracellular bacterial biomineralization is written by Jroundi and others in second chapter. Geophysical monitoring and characterization of biomineralization processes are discussed by Ntarlagiannis and others in third chapter. In fourth chapter, Skeffington and others discuss the molecular genetics of microbial biomineralization, while fifth chapter covers silicate minerals induced by microorganisms that is written by Brindavathy and others. Sixth chapter by Jantschke covers non-silicate minerals (carbonates, oxides, phosphates, sulfur-containing compounds, oxalates, and other organic crystals) induced by microorganisms. In seventh chapter, magnetosome biomineralization by magnetotactic bacteria is discussed by Cypriano and others. In eighth chapter, Joshi and others discuss the factors affecting biomineralization, while in ninth chapter, Lamérand and others deal with the experimental modeling of carbonate mineral precipitation in the presence of cyanobacteria. Finally, Akyel andothers cover the key applications of biomineralization in tenth chapter. This book could serve as a unique reference book for the emerging topic of microbial mineral formation. <...>

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