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Seismic atlas of structural and stratigraphic features / Сейсмический атлас структурных и стратиграфических особенностей

Редактор(ы):Goudswaard W., Jenyon M.K.
Издание:European association of exploretion geophysicsts, 1988 г., 292 стр.
Seismic atlas of structural and stratigraphic features / Сейсмический атлас структурных и стратиграфических особенностей

This Atlas is designed to be a useful work of reference in an easily-handled format amenable to future expansion both by the E.A.E.G. and the users themselves. It is intended for geoscientists in both the industrial and academic spheres who are at an early career stage, and who would find it of value to see how the interpretation of a wide variety of types of structure is approached on actual examples. The notes accompanying the examples have been kept as concise as is consistent with clarity, and some guidance for further study has been given in the form of a list of key words, and brief references with each group of examples; these in turn will open up the literature.
The examples have been received from many different sources, and wherever possible, acknowledgements have been made to the various donor companies. We would, however, like to express our sincere thanks here on behalf of ourselves and the E.A.E.G. to those who took the trouble to select the examples, and in many cases accompany them with invaluable notes and interpretations that greatly assisted in the task of editing the work.
As will be seen in the list of contents that follows, the examples have been arranged in groups into which they fall naturally.
A word should perhaps be said to geoscientists who read the Atlas, and who are not used to examining seismic data. It should be remembered that the vertical resolution of most seismic data is, at best, about 20m; this means that many of the details described in geological textbooks cannot be seen on seismic sections. On the other hand, the outcrop does not exist where one can see at a glance the overall tectonic style in an area as it can be seen on a seismic section.
The attempt has been made to put together a work that will be of real value and interest to its readers, both as a training aid, and as a quick and convenient reference book for the working interpreter. It is hoped that it will also provide the groundwork for future expansion and revisions that will keep it up-to-date. Time will tell whether our attempt has been successful.

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