Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Interntainal geological congress. Report of the twenty-third session Czechoslovakia. Proceeding of session 12. Engineering geology in country planning / Международный геологический конгресс. 23 сессия. Чехословакия. Инженерная геология

Редактор(ы):Malkovsky M., Zaruba Q.
Издание:Prague, 1968 г., 227 стр.
Язык(и)Английский, Французский
Interntainal geological congress. Report of the twenty-third session Czechoslovakia. Proceeding of session 12. Engineering geology in country planning / Международный геологический конгресс. 23 сессия. Чехословакия. Инженерная геология

Engineering Geology under the Conditions of the Planned Economy of the U.S.S.R.
Earth Scientists and Political Scientists Need Each Other G. Debaille et S. Ghiste:
Influence des facteurs geologiques sur les proprietes mecaniques des sols de fondation
Geology as Applied to Urban Planning: an Example from the Greater Anchorage Area Borough, Alaska
Engineering Geological Mapping in the U.S.S.R.
The Influence of Landslipping on the Development of the City of Bath, England
Aspects of the Engineering Geology of the City of Bristol
Fundamental Problems of Regional Engineering Geology in the Czechoslovak Carpathians
Engineering Geology in Urban Planning and Construction in the United States
Grundlagen fur ingenieurgeologische Kartierungsarbeiten in Auslaugungsgebieten der
Quarry Site Surveys in Relation to Country Planning
The Influence of Geology on the Development of the City of Prague
Hydrogeological Control of Development in Saudi Arabia
Surface Subsidence and Collapse Caused by Ground Water Withdrawal in Carbonate Rock
North Sea Beach Erosion in Belgium I. P. Jollifle:
Planning and Research Problems in the Exploitation of Coastal Areas
Restoration of Gullied Valley Floors in Arid and Semiarid Regions
The Influence of Neotectonic Movements on theFormation of Alluvial Deposits andlts Engineering-geological Estimation

Le role de l’hydrogeologie dans la prospection de Pemplacement des grandes usines chimiques
Geologie de l’ingenieur au site de la centrale de pompage de Coo (Belgique)

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