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Suggested methods for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock masses / Предложенные методы количественного описания разрывов (трещин) в массивах горных пород

Автор(ы):Barton N.
Редактор(ы):Ulusay R., Hudson J.D.
Издание:ISRM, 1977 г., 43 стр., ISBN: 978-975-93675-4-1
Suggested methods for the quantitative description of discontinuities in rock masses / Предложенные методы количественного описания разрывов (трещин) в массивах горных пород

The Commission on Standardization of Laboratory and Field Tests on Rock was appointed in 1967. Subsequent to its first meeting in Madrid in October 1968, the Commission circulated a questionnaire to all members of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, the answers received clearly showing a general desire for standardized testing procedures. At a further meeting in Oslo in September 1969, tests were categorized and a priority for their standardization was agreed upon.
Subsequent meetings were held in Belgrade in September 1970, in Nancy in October 1971, in Lucerne in September 1972. in Katowice in October 1973. in Denver in September 1974, in Minneapolis in September 1975, in Salzburg in October 1976 and in Stockholm in September 1977. At the Lucerne meeting the Commission was subdivided into two committees, one on standardization of laboratory tests and the second on the standardization of field tests. <...>

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