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Introductory geophysical inverse theory: Part I / Введение в теорию решения обратной задачи в геофизике. Часть 1

Автор(ы):Scales J.A., Smith M.L.
Издание:Samizdat Press, 1996 г., 209 стр.
Introductory geophysical inverse theory: Part I / Введение в теорию решения обратной задачи в геофизике. Часть 1

This course is an introduction to some of the balkanized family of techniques and philosophies that reside under the umbrella of inverse theory. In this section we present the central threads that bind all of these singular items together in a harmonious whole. That's impossible of course, but what we will do is provide a point of view that, while it will break from time-to-time, is good enough to be going on with. The goal of this chapter is to introduce a real inverse problem and explore some of the issues that arise in a non-technical way. Later, we explore the resulting complications in greater depth <...>

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