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Geology and nonfuel mineral deposits of Latin America and Canada / Геология и месторождения нетопливных полезных ископаемых Латинской Америки и Канады

Автор(ы):Bawiec W.J., Charles G.Cunningham, Orris G.J., Zientek M.L
Издание:USGS, 2005 г., 109 стр.
Geology and nonfuel mineral deposits of Latin America and Canada / Геология и месторождения нетопливных полезных ископаемых Латинской Америки и Канады

A nation’s endowment of nonfuel mineral resources, relative to the world’s endowment, is a fundamental consideration in decisions related to a nation’s economic and environmental well being and security. Knowledge of the worldwide abundance, distribution, and general geologic setting of mineral commodities provides a framework within which a nation can make decisions about economic development of its own resources, and the economic and environmental consequences of those decisions, in a global perspective. The information in this report is part of a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) endeavor to evaluate the global endowment of both identified and undiscovered nonfuel mineral resources. The results will delineate areas of the world that are geologically permissive for the occurrence of undiscovered selected nonfuel mineral resources together with estimates of the quantity and quality of the resources. The results will be published as a series of regional reports; this one provides basic data on the identified resources and geologic setting, together with a brief appraisal of the potential for undiscovered mineral resources in Latin America and Canada. Additional information, such as production statistics, economic factors that affect the mineral industries of the region, and historical information, is available in USGS publications such as the Minerals Yearbook and the annual Mineral Commodity Summaries (available at http://minerals.usgs.gov/minerals). <...>

ТематикаПолезные ископаемые
МеткиКанада, Латинская Америка, Полезные ископаемые, Южная Америка
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